I was fast asleep
I thought I was conscious..
I fell into trance
I could still hear the sound.
I knew that was the sound of celebration
I could hear it near..
No that was from somewhere very far
As time progressed louder and clearer..
There was a sudden flash of light..
I knew that was again from the celebration..
I strained to visualize the celebration..
What could it be ?
Who would be celebrating?
Where was it going on?
There was again a flash of light..
I got annoyed at my friend for leaving the room window open.
I was too sleepy to get up and close it.
I heard a loud sound followed by it..
And I woke up with the splash of water on my face..
It was the celebration in the sky..
I woke up with the smile to know it was thunder and lightning..
With rain drops on my face!!!