Saturday, July 7, 2012

Shadow - Curse or Cure?

I was too young to resist.. my mother said " don't go out in the sun, play in the shade". I believed the shadows were a cure to avoid curse of not playing outdoors.
Time passed.... New shadows were casted... I am still ignorant of the light..
I was told light would harm.. I trusted shade was safer.
I was told light was dangerous.. I took it to heart.
I was told I shall walk you through... I longed for a drive.
I was told there could be no better shadows...  I never knew what I was denied of.
I was told shadows were personalised gifts..I realized I was already sharing.
I thought I could cast a shadow too... No..That was curse befallen..
I was never let to cast my shadow... I was always over shadowed.
I thought I could fly..I waited
I thought I had no wings.. I waited for it to grow.
I thought my wings were broken.. I waited for it to cure.
I waited for a day to stretch my wings and fly..
Alas... They were tied..
I fought.. I removed...
Now they are broken beyond repair
I wish I was a bird with wings to fly..

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