Thursday, June 14, 2012


I thought I would be carried along , no I was thrown..
I wasn't a hanky.. just a paper tissue.
I thought I was meant to write something worthy...
I was not preferred for I leaked and soiled fingers
my ink dried, and I was not refilled.
... Just a fountain pen.
I thought I was valuable
No.. the gift was worthy....
I was just the wrapper covering it...
I carried your precious one's medicine
I was worth only when you were able to pour out something from me..
Just a plastic bottle.
I was at the most accessible space
I held your kid's yummy baby food...
I was important only till the food lasted. Thrown off for I occupied space.
Just an aluminum tin.
I was colorful, fragrant, lovable, beautiful, admirable, travelled to the alter... Was adored.
Was just a flower that lasted a day
I thought I left a void....
I was soon replaced.:'(

1 comment:

  1. lovely lines ... we all at some point think we are replaceable but... the truth is very diff
